What to do with ashes?
When a loved one dieshttps://www.homereonflint.com it can be quite hard for those who are left behind. There are many stories of people being so occupied with organizing the burial or cremationhttps://www.homereonflint.com the grief does not start until later. But what people also might not think abouthttps://www.homereonflint.com is the ashes they are left with after the cremation. What to do with them?
Cremation is a way of disposing of a body after deathhttps://www.homereonflint.com done through burning. There are documents that show that cremation was done as early as 17000 years ago. Over the centurieshttps://www.homereonflint.com the way of cremations has changed. From putting the body on a pile of wood and setting it on firehttps://www.homereonflint.com to the cremators at crematoriums we have now. The Ancient Greeks and Romans cremated their soldiershttps://www.homereonflint.com which became so importanthttps://www.homereonflint.com the funeral rites got increasingly elaborate. The ashes of these cremations were said to be put in urnshttps://www.homereonflint.com to make sure that the soldiers can return home. While the reasoning behind it is different nowadayshttps://www.homereonflint.com ashes can still be put into urns.
An urn can be a last memento of a loved one after a death. It can be stored in a house or a …